Mere Dad Ki Maruti is an outrageous comedy set against the backdrop of a loud Punjabi wedding in Chandigarh, directed by Ashima Chibber starring Saqib Saleem and Ram Kapoor in lead roles. It tells the story of a boy who sneaks his dad’s fancy new car out to impress the college hottie played by Rhea Chakraborty. All hell breaks loose when Sameer manages to lose the car!
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类型:喜剧 地区:法国
主演:伊桑·霍克,乌玛·瑟曼,裘德·洛,艾伦·阿金,戈尔·维达尔,山德·贝克利,劳恩·迪恩,简妮·布鲁克,伊莱亚斯·科泰斯,玛娅·鲁道夫,伍娜·戴蒙,布莱尔·安德伍德,梅森·甘布,威廉姆·李·斯科特,欧内斯特·博格宁,托尼·夏尔赫布,肯·马里诺,加布里埃尔·瑞丝,迪恩·诺里斯,丹格里芬,格雷戈·赛斯特罗,Elizabeth Dennehy,查德·克里斯特,George Marshall Ruge